
i am a perfectionist. but i am also a procrastinator. and i will prove that to you by sharing with you this small morsel of information: i have a math exam tomorrow. wow. surprise, isn’t it? what are you doing, writing? shouldn’t you be frantically trying to cram the last bits of calculus into your already overflowing brain? or sleeping? 

who actually sleeps before math?

now, look here, don’t get distracted. i am distracted enough for the both of us, aren’t i? i have successfully abandoned conic sections to write this piece. i will not return to the depths of math until i am happy with what i have written. and then i will proceed to burrow myself into an endless void of frustration, because i need to solve every single sum to be able say that i am done and i will not be done. not today. i do not have enough time. the brain needs five hours of sleep and if i don’t sleep enough i will not be able to remember the difference between permutations and combinations, or the value of cos18°. but how do i sleep for five hours and get these five chapters done? 

ah, the curse of being an idealistic perfectionist who tends to procrastinate. (!)

but hey, i’ve done all this before, i should be okay, shouldn’t i?

well, i’m gonna go, and try. to do math. maybe. 

2 thoughts on “perfectionist 

  1. I WROTE THE EXAM without having prepared for forty of the marks, oh my god. I woke up at 3 AM and had 6 chapters to do 😂
    I could attempt 99 marks, though, and with about ten marks as margin for silly errors (>.<), it should be okay lol.
    How did yours go?
    Kinda miss you.
    Cheers 🙂

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    • Same, I didn’t study for a huge bunch of marks, but it was okay. kinda 😂 Was the lone mark that you left the first question because I did not know that one either haha
      I miss you too. Shall we continue this conversation on Hangouts? xD

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